Samples of Hooded Hare Apron Dresses | Construction details | Available colors & trims | Pricing The Viking apron dress is a versatile and useful article of clothing. Ours is based on the "Greenland" dress. Samples of Hooded Hare Viking Apron Dresses
Samples of Hooded Hare's Apron Dress | Construction details | Available colors & trims | Pricing
Color Choices
Wool color choices:
Edge trim choices - note - you may also purchase a dress without these trims. Some ladies like to embroidery their own.
Samples of Hooded Hare's Apron Dress | Construction details | Available colors & trims | Pricing |
If you have questions or would like a color not on the list, please feel free to email me. I may have other colors in stock, not listed at the website.
Samples of Hooded Hare Apron Dresses | Construction details | Available colors & trims | Pricing |