Samples of Hooded Hare Hoods
| Construction details
| Available colors & trims
| Pricing
Available fabrics & colors | Available trims | Pricing | Ordering
What early period persona would be complete without a versatile and useful hood?
Samples of Hooded Hare Hoods
Dagged Hood
Our hoods hang well down the arms for added warmth and a finished look.
Cost: $88.00 US |
Dagged Wool Hood
Our hood are usually made with a contrasting color and a lengthy liripipe.
Cost: $88.00 US |
Straight edged hood
Earlier period hoods did not have daggs. This one has a straight edge with a little trim to finish the look. It is lined in a contrasting black
Cost: $88.00 US |
Parti-colored hood
This type of hood uses 2 colors and was very popular by the mid 13th C.
Cost: $88.00 US |
Construction details:
All of my hoods are made of either 100% real
linen or 100% wool. Lined hoods are lined with linen.
 | Hoods may be lined for heavy wear
 | All fabrics have been pre-washed and can be washed
by hand or the gentle cycle of your washer. |
 | I try to use "period" trims such as
woven knotwork and other woven patterns to create an authentic look. I make
crenellated, scalloped or pointed dags |
Types of dagging:
Crenellated Dags
Crenellated dags are
meant to emulate the battlements of a castle. - They look rather square or
rectangular. |
Scalloped Dags
Scalloped dags give a
lovely edge to a hood. The scallops may have indicated a Pilgrimage to
Compostela but most likely, it's just an attractive edging. |
Color Choices
Linen color choices:
Wool color choices
Black Wool
Navy Wool
Brown Wool
Purple Wool
Dark Grey Wool
Cream Wool
Edge trim selection -
available for hoods without dags
Dagged Hood
Type of dags available, crenellations
(square) ,
Linen lined with linen - $88.00 US
Wool lined with linen - $88.00 US
Free Shipping within the US
Hood Without Dags
Linen, not lined - $63.00 US
Linen lined with linen - $88.00 US
Wool lined with linen - $88.00 US
Free Shipping within the US
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Samples of Hooded Hare Hoods | Construction details | Available fabrics&colors | Available trims |Pricing | Ordering